The world is awash with Kremlin disinformation and undercover operations aimed at undermining democracies, societies, and war efforts. This month, revelations about a gigantic espionage ring across Europe rocked the continent, but Russia also cripples the United States. Donald Trump and his chief Republican spear carrier, Marjorie Taylor Greene, are active “assets” for Russia and constantly spew its talking points. Trump enables and praises the enemy, describing Putin’s Ukrainian 2022 invasion as “genius”, suggesting that Ukraine should surrender, and pledging that he will let Putin do “whatever the hell he wants” to NATO members in Europe if they are behind in military commitments. This month, Trump demanded his party impose restrictions on the counter-espionage FISA Act which oversees the surveillance and collection of all foreign intelligence on domestic soil to protect the homeland. Republicans failed to dismantle it this month, but intend to even though that would be “crazy and reckless,” according to Trump’s former Attorney General Bill Barr. “It’s our principle tool protecting us from terrorist attacks.”
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