The recent arrest in France of Pavel Durov, the “Elon Musk” of Russia, underscores the subversive global power and danger inherent in the accumulation of staggering wealth by a handful of technology tycoons. These two men and others punch above their weight, roam the world in private jets, and control social media companies with unprecedented influence over societies, politics, and the world's future. They bypass regulations and laws, often taxation, use encryption, spread disinformation, and flout or push around leaders, nations, and norms. They are arrogant and tainted. Durov is likely an agent of the Kremlin, and “Moscow Musk” is a sympathizer and fan. They are techno-anarchists who wield power with few constraints and disdain governments. After Pavel Durov’s August 24 arrest, The New York Times wrote: “A hashtag #FreePavel spread globally among techno-anarchists as well as across America’s Silicon Valley oligarchy, now entrenched into Republican ranks and pro-Russian wack-a-doodles such as Tucker Carlson and J.D. Vance who believe that [exiled Soviet spy Edward] Snowden is a martyr.”
© 2025 Diane Francis
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