Ukraine has offered America a deal that Donald Trump can’t refuse. President Volodymyr Zelensky wants American businesses to invest in his country’s natural resources, worth $26 trillion, equivalent to Canada’s or Australia’s mineral wealth. Zelensky also pledges that Ukraine’s military will help protect Europe’s security after the war. Ideally, a Marshall Plan using $350 billion of frozen Russian assets will also help rebuild Ukraine, as will Westerners who partner with Ukraine’s resource, industrial, and technology sector, the Silicon Valley of Europe. By contrast, after Trump’s election, the Russians responded by escalating their murderous attacks on Ukrainian civilians and cities, making nuclear threats again, and Russian State TV congratulated Trump and then aired nude photos from Melania Trump’s modeling past. However, Zelensky’s pitch to Trump is a “wise move to show that Ukraine is not a burden for the West…Trump wants to be a winner, not a loser,” said Ukrainian Member of Parliament Oleksandr Merezhko. “To become a winner, he must show Putin his place.”
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