
Correction on my part the bipartisan gun control bill does not include bans on assault weapons and high capacity magazines. I've removed that portion from the newsletter on an ongoing basis.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022Liked by Diane Francis

Justice Alito wrote, “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives"....

That's utter BS and Justice Alito knows that full well, as do his fellow Justices Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas and Barret. It's not just about abortion (though that's certainly a huge part of this) and it never has been. In fact, Justice Thomas said what we all know is going to happen. They are going after same sex marriage and contraception next (Hmmmmm, funny how he left Loving v. Virginia off his list of decisions to be "revisited". I wonder why THAT is.). Mike Pence also told us what we know is going to be high on their wish list after 2024 (or possibly even 2022, depending on how the midterms shake out, if they get enough House and Senate seats to override a presidential veto), which is for a national abortion ban. They're not exactly being subtle, nor I guess is there any reason for them to do so at this point.

Let's sum up the past week or so: Roe v. Wade is overruled. Miranda (v. Arizona) is basically dead letter law. Gruen means that we will have more people carrying guns on the streets. This week, we are certain to see the Supreme Court end the ability of the EPA to enact regulations which control pollution, which in a broader sense will have a ripple effect of ending the ability of the Federal Government to regulate just about anything.

We have an ascendant Evangelical Christian right in this country, and a completely politicized Supreme Court that is now more than happy to openly make rulings that achieve the goals of those Evangelicals. The South lost militarily in 1865. It is now winning convincingly from a political standpoint.

And people wonder why I'm depressed?

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And when I am not in depression, I am oh so angry!

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Why are you depressed? You live in the best country in the world.

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And what wrong with Christians who do not want to belong to an Antifa coddling Democrat party?

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A whole lot!!

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So you dislike the whole concept of Christianity; That God gave light to people to do as they saw best?

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This Supreme Court isn't tone deaf. It is corrupt and illegitimate.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Diane Francis

I doubt those who crafted the Constitution wanted their nation to not be progressive. As an outside observer, I am saddened by the recent two rulings. As U.S, citizens your outrage is to be expected. To remove equal access to unrestricted health care, simply because of gender can only be due to ideology. Maybe a movement of Mothers and their daughters should start right now, to knock on every door to get the vote out this fall.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Diane Francis

Welcome to the US, an 18th C country in the 21st C.

Why Americans think their Constitution is such a superior jewel of enlightenment and how they revere the founders of it is beyond me. If you watched Ken Burn’s doc on Benjamin Franklin on PBS recently you would have seen that the founders were a ragtag bunch of colonials who were overly concerned with defending themselves from the Mother Country. Hardly, the time and place to create an unassailable Constitution. And yet Americans revere the founders and cling to every word written as if it was written by God. Let’s face it the founders have created a government framework of gridlock.

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What's next. Cortez is calling for impeachment for the Judges that lied in conformation hearings. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/clarence-thomas-supreme-court-reconsider-contraception-gay-marriage-rulings

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Thanks Diane. Sad country and religion major factor The Vatican welcomed the ruling elderly men as you say. But Catholic Biden condemned it

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Why insult those who believe in the right to protect oneself? Lots of people who have a cortex can read and the only whole sentence in the 2nd amendment is "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The other clause is ancillary and not restrictive of "infringed". The militia is a subset of reasons supporting "...shall not be infringed." Regarding abortions, how is it possible in this day of online "day after" abortion pills to "be stranded" in a state with no recourse to abortion?

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The anti- abortion states are about to show you how that will work.

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The anti abortion states cannot impede the US mail or interstate commerce.

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Those states are already working on ways to make such medications illegal. Think mail fraud. You can’t use the mail to commit a crime.

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It will never happen.

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