The only difference between the CPAC attendees and the domestic terrorists who stormed the Capitol Building on 1/6 were that the CPAC attendees were wearing suits/dresses. That's what the Republican Party is now.

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My photoshop comment on the CPAC worship of the Golden TurdCalf


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Another terrific and fun article, Diane! Thank you

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I don’t think that Trump has any intention of using money from his PAC to support candidates. He will use the money to support Donald Trump. If candidates want his support they can expect hefty fees, especially for speaking appearances.

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Thanks too for this great round up. I purposely did not watch the news this weekend simply because the news outlets would feel the need to give a few minutes of their precious airtime to cpac and I wanted nothing to do with any of it. Instead, I’ve been bingeing on West Wing. Far better political stories.

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I’d be willing to bet that the Mexican company that made the golden calf image had piñatas in that likeness for sale within 8 hours of creating trump’s ridiculous image. That entire confab is a deadly joke. The sooner it self-destructs, the better.

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This is an excellent summary of the current Republican state of affairs. Your analysis is superb!

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