Jun 20, 2022Liked by Diane Francis

"On the supply side, America and Canada are laggards and have each failed to crank up production of oil or liquefied natural gas to ship to Europe because their leaderships are riddled with “climate change” zealots" This is true in the Europe too. The campaign against fracking was hysterical propaganda provided by the Kremlin. None of it was true and fracking has not harmed a single thing. https://www.yahoo.com/news/putin-funding-green-groups-discredit-164444884.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by Diane Francis

Thank you Diane, and an excellent recap of the reality we're living in. Putin has truly upended western democracies and he must be stopped. His aspirations are no longer in the interest of Global peace and co-operation. Wars can be waged on so many fronts; military, cyber, proxy armies, economically, politically, etc... and Putin is focused on all of them. He's essentially started WWIII.

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Jun 21, 2022Liked by Diane Francis

Perhaps one of your best columns ever, thank-you.

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Very good Diane. Esp on Canada and US " leaderships are riddled with “climate change” zealots. " Also true in Europe. What do you make of Biden putting out the begging bowl to an arguably more extreme dictator than Putin, Mohammed bin Salman? We can ask why.

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The chart of spending shows the U.S. having committed 4 billion euros?? I thought the U.S. have already announced $ 40 billion USD in aid to Ukraine in the war. Did I miss something?

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Not sure that the title of this piece is not a bit derogatory. That said, many of the points you raised that refer to Italy, Germany and France are correct. I read where Putin is warning Lithuania to stop restricting the transport of trains destined for Kaliningrad through their Country. Lithuania is a Nato Nation.

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The world economic crisis is not due to Ukraine but to five trillion in free cheese - 25% of the US economy in one year was given away - much as every other country did.

When all countries contribute their fair share to the war, yes it will exacerbate the problem, but increased production will also help.

Food has started to be shipped by rail. No longer a long term problem.

European energy can be solved by a Trumpish emergency delivery of the new Med oil and gas discovery - long before North American energy can meet their "unnecessary" requirements.

Fracking, agreed, under very controlled environments works. It's the long term effects of leaking strata that is the problem - can you always tell where your energy will migrate to underground once freed?

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