Thank you, Diane. Republican criminals are well-funded and aided by Russians and the super-rich. They are going to be very hard to beat. The ONLY WAY is to kill the filibuster completely. Extreme Pressure must be brought on Manchin and Sinema or we will have another ten years of the dismantling of democracy by the Russian-super-rich owned GOP.

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I can’t live with anger every day, it is just too hurtful to myself and those around me. So I can just say . . . . This makes my heart so sad 😢

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Excellent piece, Diane, kudos. What to do? I think things might have to get way worse before they get better. Structural change, in any arena, is so difficult. In my arena, media policy, it's the same.

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What a depressing future this country has.

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thank you Diane !!!!

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Great column but much (or some) of the blame lies with the Dems - The GOP loudly and clearly telegraphed their intentions to do this (google Redmap). Despite this the Liberal media and by extension the Democrat party ignored it.

This has been the story of American politics for the last 10 years, the Dems asleep at the wheel while the GOP steadily build out an untouchable political machine.

Even now with Trump poised to make a come back the Dems seem oddly unconcerned.

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And even a book

Ratfucked : the true story behind the secret plan to steal America's democracy

Author:David Daley (Author)

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On the positive side, Michigan did pass our independent redistricting commission initiative in 2018, and all members have been selected in what was a fair and democratic process.


But now Republicans are circulating a bogus, deceptive anti-voting initiative, so they can make an end-run around Governor Whitmer (who will veto their voting suppression bills). A new group, Michiganders Against Voter Suppression, was started this week by some of the same folks that launched the 2018 independent redistricting commission drive. I get hopeful, then I get so discouraged. It's like an unending game of whac-a-mole.

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Did you mean 32 of the 50 state legislatures are controlled by Republicans? (you wrote "32 of 18"). And does this mean only 18 of 50 are Democrat controlled? Lordy.

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And "swindling" is exactly right.

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