"a goal which is achievable only if Saudi Arabia and its Gulf OPEC allies flood the market in order to bring down world prices which have jumped due to sanctions imposed on Russia".. True if one were to ignore the fact that Biden has throttled US fuel production as he promised during his campaign. Oil production is down 10% but the shortfall is far less considering increased demand since the shut down. The US under Trump produced so much gas that we became the leading exporter, making deals in Europe to switch them from Russian fuel to American fuel. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-poland-usa-energy-idUSKCN1VL0HH

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A most critical time is upon us. Much of the World[but not all] has made climate change our number one enemy/priority. However, our consumer driven economies rely on Energy and Water. Russian petroleum products still transit across Ukraine, even though Russia is attempting to steal sovereign territory from Ukraine. Some countries are still buying that product. The U.S. government blocks the Keystone pipeline, restricting Canadian Petroleum product from reaching American refineries. Getting new pipelines constructed in Canada is no easier, all he while the reality is both our nations require more energy. Therefore, it is not whether we need the Oil, simply where are we going to acquire it, and who is making all the money making that happen. Unless we modify/reduce our consumer based economies, I don't see much changing. No one Political Leader or party is capable of fixing this all on their own. It is up to us. Around 1955-65, even as kids, we knew what family had just become a 2 car family. A sign of status. Soon after, being able to get your meal served in less than a minute became the norm. It is what we built, and now, those who control the energy run too many things. Out of balance. Wait until there are numerous conflicts over water. We buy water in plastic bottles, instead of drinking from fountains. We water lawns. We fill swimming pools. We are better educated, but maybe not using that knowledge to always make wiser decisions. People like Putin and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman know this...

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Yes Biden a believer in global warming should read Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom by Patrick Moore by Amazon and learn that the world needs MORE CO2 not less. Biden is taken in by the fake catastrophe lobby and sucks up to a vile Saudi ruler. Also why doesn't Trudeau government order the pumping of more oil? Also in the arms of fake science?

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A terrific article, thanks so much for all your time, effort and ongoing excellent coverage. Phil M’s turnaround is a profound example of a culture gone mad with greed and consumption. We all know it but somehow manage to get on with our daily routines dancing around the horrors of human/land-use abuse fuelling the myths of endless economic growth. Thankfully you have a respectful readership that doesn’t ramble on and on with their own axe to grind like most of the others publishing on Substack.

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