While it would be fairly easy to completely excoriate Gen Milley for some of his conduct being unbecoming, as republicans the other day would wish now, the truth is probably lying behind a bush somewhere. To even attempt to work with the last disaster of an executive, and I’m using that term in the lightest possible sense, took cajones. I would imagine that working for the last President would be like being a bead of water on the surface of a hot frying pan. That the world survived the feverish ravings of that outsized ego was a miracle and we aren’t out of the woods yet.

Under the other guy we found out for real that our Constitution as written, is a spiderweb shot full of holes by various decisions and actions by those who would be quite happy to see it completely KO’d in favor of a strongman, preferably someone similar to the former guy. Congress is a barrel full of rotten apples put there by an electorate possibly a little short on civics. We watched an attempted coup in January perpetrated by some of the worst elements ever to darken the doors of the White House and the Capitol. There are so many ugly elements at work in an environment that is already fraught with the peril of the pandemic and an economy that may seem strong but when looked at with a wider, worldwide lens, not so much.

In the greater scheme of things, General Milley and what he did or didn’t do, may or may not have done is small potatoes. History will write that footnote in the US History books. We just have to hope that we will still have a country that believes in textbooks that will still have our history with that footnote in them.

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........who Trump fired days after the election because he resisted Trump’s request to use troops on peaceful American protesters"

The "peaceful American protesters" were hardly that. Did you not see federal buildings, police precincts and business premises burning? Portland was being over run by radical leftist and violent activists. Trump offered the Federal help quell the riots and mayhem which was rejected by the governor and mayor. Trump had every right to act and protect federal property and personnel.

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