the countries suggesting face saving and appeasement would not accept that if their country was attacked in this way...on second thought a couple did in WW@ and it did not work out well

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Problem was and always will be governments are afraid of a nuclear war. This problem should have been solved by the world not allow this to go on. When leaders are so afraid of Putin and nukes then you see a greater mess. Political leaders allowing this shows how weak they really are.

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Here's hoping that the Ukrainians and their western backers stand strong. As you noted, history teaches us what appeasement "accomplishes".

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Excellent as always

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It would be wonderful if Canada was the first country to gather up whatever Russian wealth stored in Canada (tied to whomever has been sanctioned by Canada so far), and just send it to Ukraine, no strings attached. Somebody has to start sending them some of the $350 billion that should never be returned after this s-show is over.

And yes to Churchill - no negotiation, defeat is the goal.

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I really liked your article except for the last sentence about checkmate. No way.

Your body bag pictures might portend a nuclear strike – just more bags – on both sides though.

Certainly not equal, even if the Europeans become nervous. Our missiles will get thru because they are steerable, just like the Himars.

When that happens China will take advantage of Russia’s oil area.

Russia will no longer exist.

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Checkmate definition: "a check from which a king cannot escape"

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There’s no negotiating with a narcissistic psychopath. We must continue and increase our aid and support of Ukraine until Putin is soundly defeated.

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Excellent article and I agree. Putin must not be allowed to win. Ukraine should recover all it's territory seized by Russia. This unprovoked attack by Putin (not necessarily many Russians) must be defended by NATO and all western democracies. Putin cannot be allowed to disrupt the World for his own gain / reputation. Why are we allowing Ukranians to suffer and die to protect Europe / democracies and we handcuff them not to hit Russian locations? I understand the concerns, but it's inhumane to do so. Putin must be stopped. Why is the World paying for his ego trips?

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Excellent article...Putin is a war criminal and can never be trusted.

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WOW - in a nutshell - yes, UKR must never give up an 'inch' nor must the WEST stop supplying UKR with the tools needed to do the job. Putin is the World's NUMBER 1 enemy - and the WEST now has a chance to destroy him, once & for all time.!!! Diane your analysis and information is always well thought out and delivered. THANK YOU for your continued reporting & your excellent perspective of the situation.

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the appeasers seem to forget the spectacle of neville chamberlain holding up the piece of paper that was supposed to gurantee peace with .....germany...putin is a classic psychopath ....the only thing he understands is force ....the ukraine has no love for russia ....the holdomor is still in the mind of all ukrainians .....this is a fight to the death ....

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The Ukraine has brewing over a decade.. The 173rd Airborne Brigade including !000 US military arrived 10 April 2015 at Yavoriv, Ukraine. The problem has been brewing since then.

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NATO is NOT a social service but military bandits.

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You write a great story about the war in Ukrain. There was peace for over 70 years since WWII.

Then NATO did military exercises there. NATO is the problem. NATO is controlled by Americans. Look at the killing they did in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. EU must abandon NATO or all could be blown to hell in WWIII.

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Thanks for reading and in the spirit of debate here's my answer: Korea and Afghanistan were UN operations, Vietnam was an insane war that was fomented by Russia, not China as was Iraq. Osama bin Laden was on the CIA payroll (and shouldn't have been) and went rogue. Decades later, Russia through its Wagner mercenary arm is involved in causing trouble in dozens of countries. Check out my piece last year on this group, now enmeshed in the killing Ukrainians. https://dianefrancis.substack.com/p/vlads-wagner

NATO never did military exercises in Ukraine. It struggled to build its own armed forces after the 2014 first invasion by Putin and is a victim not a perpetrator at all. Russia attacked because Ukrainians decided to join Europe, rid itself of Russian corruption and control, and because it elected a pro-reform President -- and just before this invasion reforms were working and its minimum wage surpassed Russia's.

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Read Putin. He is the problem not NATO.

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Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (not Biden).

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Whoops. Fixed. Thanks

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