Diane, your crystal ball is outdoing itself. Your post succinctly explains all the various machinations of Trump & his minion and their expectations.

I hope you are wrong.

In fact, of the many objectives that Trump aspires to, I believe few will be achieved, or at least that is my hope.

It is true that “Pax Americana” is over, probably has been since the end of the Cold War. It is just that no one had threatened it until Putin came along. Trumps betrayal of Ukraine does not surprise me, given his predilection for dictators, I’m more surprised it took so long. The sudden withdrawal from Europe was bit more of a surprise. Given the level of engagement between the US & EU, I expected more cooperation despite the grumbling taking place.

It was clear that after JD Vances speech at Munich, that the US was going in a much darker direction. The speech, coming from someone who is given to lying, conspiracy theories and is a hypocrite, shocked many in Munich, the applause was thunderous - not.

Coming on top of Hegseth’s speech to NATO, it was probably the icing on the cake.

It is clear that Europe can no longer rely on the US and that it has to take care of its own, which in Ukraines case means using its far greater GDP & population to defeat Russia in Ukraine. It also means that the EU has no obligation to help the US in any future conflicts. Given this attitude by the US I don’t see were the improved alliances are going to come from, certainly not Europe and probably not in Asia.

I hope & believe that Europe will step up to the plate (% of GDP is irrelevant if you are fighting for your existence), although we will probably have to wait until conclusion of the German elections. I have heard that the numbers for the AfD have tanked since Vance’s speech, no one likes being lectured to, especially by a hypocrite. The CDU appears to have the numbers over the SPD and so far refuses to go into coalition with the AfD.

The Trump/Musk attempts to reduce government spending by $2 trillion by the cutting or dismantling of government departments are doomed to failure. Whilst no one would deny that government waste is not a thing, finding $2 trillion of waste out of a budget of $6 trillion is not going to happen, unless they take the knife to the DOD as well, which defeats the purpose of the cuts in the first place as that would mean defence spending is much closer to that of China. Trump’s thought bubble around building a Iron Dome for America shows just how detached from reality he is. He could close some of their military bases to save money. Perhaps the only silver lining for Trump will be the need for the America’s old allies to buy weapons and ammunition from the US. This will only be temporary until they find another source or produce their own.

I know its unlikely to happen, but until the tax rates for the wealthy go back to the levels seen prior to Reagans election, then America’s deficit and wealth gap will continue to soar.

Trumps push to tariff and/or annex Panama, Mexico, Canada or Greenland will only increase America’s debt & isolation and enable China to increase its dominance throughout the 3rd world and that of the BRICS union. If America didn’t have a drug problem, Mexico wouldn’t have a gun problem.

His plan to take over Gaza and deport its inhabitants will result in the total removal of the US influence in the Middle East and likely terrorist actions against the US for the next 50 years. Israel will not benefit either, non stop war may be its future, it will be exhausted and unable to assist the US or Trump in holding or developing Gaza. Hopefully nations such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE will fund rebuilding, they have the money. With the Gazan’s staying, but Hamas going. (Wishful thought)

Remember, that both Vietnam and Afghanistan (x2) defeated invasive nuclear powers. America should not take it for granted that all nations will tremble before them. The more they try to intimidate the more likely they will be resisted and/or not trusted.

Trump and his minions clearly do not understand that the higher standards of living in the Western world are in a large part due to the Rule of Law followed by most Western nations. Nations that follow the autocracy model are more likely to have greater discrepancies and turmoil within their nations. The US benefitted enormously the Rule of Law, which it helped to establish after WWII. Fairer tax and social standards usually lead to a more just and sustainable society, something which the US seems to have forgotten.

Trumps withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, WHO, NAFTA, cancelling of USAID and ignorance of the ICC have fundamentally damaged America’s reputation.

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Thanks for your summary here, Steve. Our wannabee autocrat and his minions (I'm not sure one could yet determine who's the minion of the pair occupying the Oval Office - that'll be the last goon standing) could care less about 'balanced budgets'. There's been analysis by much better grounded folks on this than me; but, here's my operating hypothesis:

Given the experience of the pandemic cash disbursements - a lot of people and small businesses were able to hang on despite the interruptions in supply chains and loss and impairment of lives; however,

Other not-mainstream-analysts found that most all that cash wound up in the hands of the very wealthy (paycheck-to-paycheck folks paid for housing and groceries, which flowed upstream), and the upstream very wealthy got wealthier and proceeded to buy assets, like investments in housing and equities (and commodities), making the necessities of life more out of reach for the p-to-p folks. Look at credit scores sinking, past-due rent and mortgages and car payments and credit card debt rising ALONG with rising asset values. Even here in the Illinois / Iowa Quad Cities, in this weary former farm equipment manufacturing center, modest single-family homes like mine are sold for cash to private equity entities at an increasing percentage. Last I looked, it was one in four houses sold in that manner. That's swell for the far-away-offspring heirs unloading their parents' homes, but it has diminished the possibility for people who are still p-to-p workers buying in to home equity.

Getting in to the once-found wonders of The Market by purchasing shares in some mutual fund is out of the question, and frankly, more than a few not-in-the-mainstream economists suspect that THAT whole Machine is running on hopes and dreams and fumes.

The so-called libertarians who've gotten themselves into power either know it's over and are grabbing what they can, or still think they can come out on top simply on vile notions of 'me firsterisms' and a willingness; nay, eagerness to reap where they have not sown. Our reputation as a nation is now out in the open, and there's darn few Boy Scouts left upholding anything like the Golden Rule, much less notions of honor.

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The economic scenario you described has been aptly labeled as neo-feudalism. As more and more people are economically disenfranchised political and social unrest will grow reaching a point were the “peasants” finally will have had enough and they storm the gated communities and mansions of the rich. Growing and accelerating wealth disparity makes this inevitable. Buy your “pitchfork” now.

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Thanks for the note, Bruce. I think the real 'barons' of the economy are poised to really liberate most of us little people of our assets, too, and I think your ascription of the desired outcome from this Revenge of the Billionaires will look feudal. My greatest concern in that is that the people who've brought us to this collapse of responsible self-rule will continue to be able to pit us, one grouping against another unless we can un-graft our self-surveillance devices from our hands. And our souls. Ever seen the Terry Gilliam film from the '80's, "Brazil"?

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What is wrong here? Canada like the Europeam countries have been shirking their defense and security priorities in exchange for supporting social and health priorities. One of the first duties of a country is to ensure the security of its citizens and residents. There is nothing wrong in ensuring our security. We have been warned extensively by prior US presidents to NO AVAIL. It's not surprising that now its the hard way that is being used as well as it should. The issue of drugs and fentanyl has been studied and Canada and the provinces have been found lacking in dealing with the problem. No proper money-laundering policies and enforcement as well as lackadaisical border and import controls. The precursor chemicals come in by the containerful and we do nothing. Plus there is poor law enforcement against certain communities for fear of defaming them. (Please see book and articles by Sam Cooper). We only get what we sowed. In one way its about time.

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All predictable, I've written columns galore on Trudeau's failure to adopt international money laundering norms, military deterrence, border controls, immigration dangers, Chinese influences, the lack of fiscal integrity, Arctic negligence, and failure to develop the country's natural resource base. In 2013, my book "Merger of the Century" predicted that if these weren't addressed, America would get fed up and gobble up Canada. And here we are.

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ABSOLUTLEY AGREE - and when he offered Ontario-Quebec a multi-billion DOLLAR Train ride - I would have cried had I not laughed out loud!!! He's got a lower IQ that Trump!!!

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It just makes me think that everything that man and his cronies are doing is driven by greed for money and a desire to smash everything up and bring everything down on the way. Just wants to create chaos while they take it in. No care for the population in general or the economy with the size of the debt

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Feb 20Edited

Every one of the points you make in your comment could be reversed with many supporting the reversal. For example, 'it's all about the money'...could be it isn't about money at all. It's about protecting US financial interests for the good of the country of a whole. What Musk is doing is basically an audit of a government funded group which should have been done every year. That's why he is finding so much graft and incompetence. You can describe that as chaos if you want, we will see what the result in the future will be.

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I have never described it as chaos and regular cost-cutting should be baked into every government in every country

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Explain how Clinton reduced government by 350,000+ without causing chaos. Trump's 'savings' is about power and tax reduction for the 1%ers. Why were inspector generals fired...the auditors of each agency? Power.

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Musk is into areas of top security without 'legal' authority. This could have been done in a civil & understandable manner - not rip thru, discard people who are dedicated & valuable - & care less about the damage to the country as a whole. Like doing open heart surgery relying on a unqualified doc or better yet - NOT a doctor at all.

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Can you imagine a major corporation hiring an unqualified outsider and letting them shut down the company's core departments, firing managers and staff with years of experience and all the corporate memory in order to make the business healthier? I've asked others who are enamored with Trumpmusk's approach and so far not one person has come up with an example. All this reminds me very much of the destructive way in which the bolsheviks just took everything down and tried to intall something completely different (without any know-how) and better. We all know how that turned out.

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In December 1941 it was not clear whether the US would intervene in the brutal expansion of the Third Reich. FDR was the consummate politician who led the big change in policy and revised the popular attitudes in 2 years. In October 2023 the West arrived at another inflection point between the current empires. The Man in Washington carried on as if the liberal assumptions were eternal. Apparently not. Now the disruptors are in the White House and we are all going to be in for a bumpy ride. Too bad the Trudeau clique did not read your 2013 book in 2015. Canada could have been better prepared.

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You think Trudeau would ever know how to prepare Canada for a possible invasion? I'm laughing lolol We're in an economic crisis and he's offering a billion dollar train ride from Montreal to Toronto (not sure of the city but you get it) - meanwhile - our military is on life support & no one is sure if it's still alive. Considering the state we are in with our lack of funding to meet NATO requirements, that money should go to miliary upgrades etc. THIS PM continues to makes us a JOKE - of which I am just FED UP WITH!

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And so it begins. WW III has started. Europe-UKR have to realign & move fast. America within is rot - will take a miracle to purge Trump & his guys OUT. When Americans realize 'they' voted for this mad-man, they will reject Trump's callous takeover. A civil war may ensue but - they will reject this takeover because they won't bow to a KING.

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Right. I suggest the question now is will Americans reject the dictatorial regime they have elected. Or lie down and accept it. Any thoughts Diane? Also will Europe and the UK act against the fascist regime in Russia and protect Ukraine?

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Americans appear to be sheeple and Trump's ratings trend slightly up. The ball is in Europe's corner and they must finance and support Ukraine because it has the biggest armed force in Europe apart from Russia's.

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WW3 has not started. Yes, EU and UK will realign as American says no more will it just blindly support them because of supposed shared history and values. Long time coming and many dollars spent with not much coming the other way. Trump did not do a 'takeover' despite how many times you say it. He was voted in, pretty conclusively.

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He was voted in becuz Americans believed his lies AND, as they repeat, most Americans aren't interested in politics so - they got what they voted for but many are now saying - oh, I didn't vote for that? AN important lesson to keep democracy alive - KNOW who & what you are voting for or you may lose your country - and someone else will DO whatever they want - like PUTIN!

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"Pretty conclusively" ??? The 3rd lowest popular vote for an elected president for the past 100 years. Two lower....G Bush junior and JFK. I suspect 'independents' pushed him over the edge and will desert the Republican party in two years time, thereby losing both houses.

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I never wrote that Trump did a takeover where do you get that?

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"He’s hectored NATO members for years for not meeting their 2% GDP defense commitments. He now demands this be raised to 5% of their GDP, a goal that must be reached because Trump believes Europeans must protect Europe." What do you know of reports that Europes response to Trumps efforts is to provide Ukraine with a $713 Billion military aid package after the German elections?

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Europe has to support Ukraine because it is Europe's only armed force

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Using a combination of reallocating Carbon Reduction funds and frozen Russian assets would do the trick. Its a sound and expeditious short term solution.

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After two world wars - I think European countries didn't maintain huge armies because of the need to rebuild what was bombed - many were injured, displaced etc. Their need to rebuild etc. was job one. So, I get why they put more effort into other things than armies. America has never had a war 'within' - structurally they were unscathed after both wars except perhaps Hawaii. So, cut them a little slack BUT now they know they're in need of rebuilding defense fast - THEY know what war is. THEY will pony up pretty fast.

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They also developed a pacifist culture - a sense of modernity that was a bit naive.

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Thank you for making some sense out of Trump’s seeming insanity.

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We are at war

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Let’s take a break from critical judgmentalism to ascertain if the reporting is really about Trumpian political theater, or a really legitimate betrayal of friends, allies and democracy into a quasi-kleptocractic authoritariansim.

I have no particular expectation of Trump beyond his consistently adolescent emotional narcissism, but is his cabinet (and the West) but a variation of Democratic lies, larceny, careerism and grift, or do they collectively have the backbone and moral courage to stand up for their oaths of office. Are we witnessing the disappearance of a constitutional republic, and the end of American stealth into full-blown authoritarianism?

I’d like to see if Trump is up to what others assume he is! He may well be, but perhaps it’s just more Trumpian chaos, and he needs scoulding by adults in the cabinet conference room!

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It's not chaos. As I set out in my piece this is a rollout of a strategic grand plan that been months in development. this is aside from his outbursts.

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I cannot argue with much of what you have written, Diane, except (at risk of being seen as a "conspiratorialist") I think you may have left out a very key participant in Trump's grand strategy when you identify it as having been "formulated and fine-tuned by conservative advocacy groups and leaders, technology tycoons, and military professionals for years."

There is a book written by an ex-KGB defector in 1984 who was born in Ukraine but raised in Moscow and who defected with his family to the West in 1961. He is one of the highest-level defectors from the Soviet Union and has been condemned to death in absentia by the Soviet Judiciary. During his period of service, he was familiar with the most heavily guarded secrets, plans, and strategies of the Soviet government. He provided a cornucopia of very important intelligence to the U.S. and UK, earning him the title of "honorary Commander of the British Empire," which is awarded by the British Monarch to those who make significant contributions to Britain.

The name of the author is Anatoliy Golitsyn (but he has long since lived under an assumed name), and his book is "New Lies for Old." Normally, I would react with skepticism to anyone claiming to have had knowledge of any country's most closely held plans for victory in the distant future, but it is impossible to remain so after reading his book. Except for the occasional (but very few) changes in the course along a 50–60-year period from the time the information in the book was disclosed (initially only to intelligence agencies), the contents describe "prophetically" everything we can see has, in fact, happened to look back. That is why it is very important to read what may have been planned looking forward.

In short, Diane, I do think that - just like the Blessed Virgin in her 1917 "Fatima" apparitions had warned about "Russia spreading its evils to the world," I do believe that that "spread" has not ended with the demise of the USSR but is still being played out and a factor in Trump's "grand strategy".

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The Trump plan was devised meticulously by American conservative interests who met regularly to formulate the "next steps" we are witnessing now.

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It is the patriotic, nationalist, anti-immigrant ("populist") movement in the EU that has shown the greatest pro-Putin and anti-Ukrainian sentiments. (One can be patriotic, even nationalist and anti-immigrant, and still see the danger that Russia poses to their compatriots.) They have also been regularly infiltrated by the FSB......otherwise, they would not be breaking with the EU- one of Putin's 2 greatest goals. What makes you think that American conservatives (who have been so heavily seduced by Orban) are "exceptional? I do hope that Trump's approach to Putin and Ukraine is not the product of "meticulous" conservative planning.

But it may all turn out OK, I suppose.....let's wait and see.

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I blame ignorance and stupidity on those who "support" Putin in the West or take his side against Ukraine. Facts are facts.

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There are also facts that prove that the FSB has been very active in trying to break up the EU and even spending considerable money on "loans" and direct involvement in support of groups that consider themselves to be patriotic, nationalist, and anti-immigrant but who also buy into the pro-Putin disinformation. Exploiting and manipulating whatever grievances people have in a way that "demonstrates" their solidarity with the aggrieved has been a very successful ploy. Yes, ignorance and stupidity are a big part.....we need not go far to find it.

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Ignorance and stupidity

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The figures concerning readiness to defend country (and alliance) in Germany by party affiliation ask for some back up.

I only find the opposite (Friedrich Nauman Stiftung).

Which makes sense.

Because the AfD does nothing else than copying Trump/MAGA.

"With us you have peace, with us your kids don't get sent to war, with us it would not have happened".

But it happened.

And the Green Party is THE ONLY German party, that - originating in pacific, as me - committed to all necessary support for Ukraine, including, and that is the difference, the necessary credible financing, the necessary development of German Bundeswehr within NATO, AND now peace keeping forces in Ukraine up to EU armed forces.

As with the AfD-affiliated in Germany it would be in contemporary US.

Would a Baltic country call for §5 support,

first it would get questioned by the US-admin whether that is rightfully,

second this admin would listen to polls conducted among people that never heard about these places yet alone would find them on a map.

There is no more NATO incl. US.

US will stay as long as there are some left that understand, that recently US gains valuable knowledge from future war tactics in Ukraine and from bottom-up designed structures in Poland, the Baltics and the Baltic Sea. It was to read that Hegseth plans a purge among leadership and advanced intelligence operation between Poland and German BND won't cooperate in valuable depth with Tulsi Gabbard.

Then US in NATO is over.


So - may please everybody start from there on and stop waiting time and resources to find any way forward with Trump.

That only keeps him afloat on his falsehoods.

May please everybody remember who he conceded to "abolish and replace Obamacare" late 2017 with "who would have thought, healthcare is so complicated".

That's exactly what he will say this summer about "peace-negotiations".

"Who would have thought, peace negotiations are so complicated".

And that's exactly what that eruption of falsehoods yesterday was about:

A reflective preparation of his concession - based on the last fragments of sentences he could put together, few his own, some >Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, many ruZZian propaganda.

This is important to know - and so far only Zelenskyy seems to understand that.

Those remaining sober and fact based just have to continue what they do.

Faster and more committed.

Than they and what they stand for, Ukraine with and in Europe, will come out on top.

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Lest we forget the Green party made Germany and Europe wholly dependent on cheap Russian gas -- by rejecting emissions-free nuclear. Greenpeace, probably backed with Russian funds, enabled Putin to convince Schroeder and Merkel to become dependent on Moscow gas despite misgivings by many. That party and the Greens were in Putin's pocket, and if they hadn't been, there would have been no invasion of Ukraine because it had the only pipelines delivering Russian gas to Europe. Americans objected and tried to stop the pipelines but the Euros committed energy suicide and Ukraine is the victim.

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that is simply wrong and the opposite very easy to research:

The Green Party at the time was the only and loudest one OPPOSING NorthStream2, explicitly quoting parallels between Poland under the Molotov-Ribbentrop fossil fuel contract and now the situation of Ukraine and again Poland getting bypassed by energy supply infrastructure between RuZZia and Germany.

The gas deals have NOTHING, really NOTHING to do with the exit from nuclear power supply.

Not a single kWh has been replaced by gas.

Gas for electricity has been in effect same before and after exit.

The exit has been supported by a clear majority after Fokushima and several distressing incidents in Belgium.

Nuclear energy is only cheaper when the TCO-costs over the entire lifetime don't get respected.

If they do, then, from funding of research till long time storage it is by dimensions the most expensive power supply known.

The 3 last reactors that finally got shut down in spring 2023 had no spare fuel rods left.

Guess who'd had to supply these rods in case?


The representatives of the operator, PreussenElectra, itself informed, that continuing these reactors would economically not be feasible - just confirmed in a parliamentary investigation committee the other week.

There has now been one single day last December, where Germany had that "dark-calm" (Dunkel-Flaute) case, where renewables had to get replaced by additional imports. And that is because energy saving as well as energy storage (Hydrogene, waterpower reservoirs) runs far behind demand and schedule.

In summer 2023 it was the other way round:

France's reactors had to stay idle because of a long draught and lack of - RuZZian - rods. German electricity fed French net.

Emission-free nuclear?

Maybe take these 3 mins:


And finally:

Why is CHINA having about the same Energy strategy?

Why is it full steam in wind and solar?

As parts of US under the IRA?

Claiming Greenpeace being backed by RuZZia without any possible evidence puts you unfortunately and regrettably on same level of poisoning public discourse as Musk and Trump.

It is far away from any sense.

Really very sad

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I didn't press 'like ' cuz the truth hurts - Merkel was so enamored by Putin - it was disgusting.

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What Europe needs to say to the US. First and foremost we support Ukraine 100% and we will continue to support Ukraine until the Russian aggressor leaves their country and lives up to the UN charter on sovereignty. They need to also say … we are not against the US but are without a doubt pro Ukraine… they are one of us. We plan to rearm our military forces and in doing so plan to honor our focus on using significant American armaments. While we support all efforts to bring peace to the region , we will not support any agreement that Ukraine does not agree to. We are at a critical juncture of assessing our future security and we feel that this is a necessary 1st step along that road. While we will cooperate with all like minded states who encourage peace, we will not accept attempts by any nation to bully us or Ukraine on this very central and critical issue affecting our future security.

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So well said Diane: "Nothing is sacred; witness the dismantling of blue-ribbon, domestic institutions". . .

Trump's return was supposed to be a miracle made in heaven. Within days the world woke up to a change from Dem chaos to Trump posse chaos. We in Canada were in over our heads with our own bizarre politics and Trump's Campaign became a welcome distraction for many.

I try hard to listen to those in the know, to form some understanding on the world of today. We are struggling in Canada with our own political chaos. I'm watching Germany and Australia's upcoming elections. Not much hope for those there. Chaos everywhere.

Yet, I do feel comfort in are the words of Scotland's Historian, Niall Ferguson that I recently heard as Stephen Kotkin shook his head in agreement:

"Any great power that spends more on Debt (service payment on the national debt), than on National Defence, will not stay great for very long. "

I can't help but think that National Debts are the reason for so much chaos and the amazing Economic growth across the "West" was wasted and spent years ago.

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brilliant article as always ....thank you

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Diane. I see major demonstrations ahead Bernie Sanders calling for national street demonstrations. There is bound to be huge resistance

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I agree completely. The danger is that Trump will use NORAD as a pretext to militarily occupy our artic to gain total control to the northwest passage, the same way he wants to control the Panama Canal by military force.

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I wrote that he'll definitely put military up there because Canada's government does not protect its sovereignty

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Isn't that just the truth- HOW our country has slopped into a 'death' spiral into the land of fantasy.

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