The grain was about European regulators who didn’t insure that grain was in transit only and not allowed to be sold in Europe undercutting floor prices

It’s since been cleaned up by brussela

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Just to add - our PMJT said that Canada will NOT achieve its 2% defense spending as he promised Biden when he came to Canada - this was a photo opp for our little drama teacher - no substance NO clue how to run, nervermind defend a country. Oh, unless there's such a thing as 'green' ammunition! lol

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So interesting, but I suggest it's not for us in the unassailable, ocean-protected, self-sufficient in fuel and food United States to bang on about how other countries are not contributing enough. We never heard this from the British when their empire spanned the world. Now the U.S. spans the world, bears the burdens and reaps the rewards, but there's always been this battle here between the isolationists and the internationalists - in effect, Jefferson vs. Hamilton. But as Lincoln says in the movie: "We've stepped out upon the world stage now. Now! With the fate of human dignity in our hands..." And let us acknowledge that the U.S. gains huge advantage from its dominant position; think of the unquantifiable advantage to us that the world deals in dollars. The U.S. is both nominally and per capita the richest large country, on and on. Notice how much Britain has declined since it ‘lost’ (mislaid?) Its empire, so that Ireland is now richer per capita than England! Now Poland has stepped up, which is magnificent, but its expanded armed forces will be moving about the battlefield in German Leopard tanks. And this is that same Poland which not long ago was marching lock-step with Hungary in defiance of the EU; both countries have benefitted from enormous EU ‘contributions’ and the principal contributor has been Germany followed by France. Thank goodness that Poland’s leadership has now stepped up with major support to Ukraine, and is not afraid to criticize both Germany, with regard to its reliance on Russia, and France with Emmanuel Macron’s ill-advised visits to Moscow and childishly-hostile comments about the U.S. and toadying to Ji Jinping. Mistakes are made all the time but the only mistakes that really count are mistakes made by the U.S., of which the most dangerous, to the U.S. as well as everyone else in ‘the West’, are always those tending towards isolationism. I pray that the U.S. will continue to lead the free world, not withdraw from it.

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Ah yes Ireland's wealth from US transnational corporation tax. Part of US empire

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Certainly, and also it received large EU subsidies; better than picking potatoes. I did that once, for a week, most strenuous work I ever engaged in

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Yes and whose arms is Republic of Ireland in now?EU and US transnationals Oh and Irish President all set to go to King Charles coronation then millions of Irish left after independence to find new homes in England, jobs, free education and healthcare. Yet Anglohopia is increasing in Republic of Ireland.

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Thanks, you're a lot better informed that me.

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GRAND SLAM - DIANE - You nailed it AND that is exactly what has to happen -Poland has rang the alarm of the RU agenda & CHina for years - Merkle ignored his warnings & walked with Putin as one walks with lion, all smiles but knows where it's next lunch is. Dear GOD - Europe has to, MUST get involved and THAT includes NATO - while UKR is being pulverized - saying they stand with UKR - Words don't cut it -action - grab RU by the throat and whack that monster NOW is the only way to end this threat!!! I am so angry with France!!!!!

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Poland has started speaking with forked tongue, happy to support Ukraine militarily but banning not only imports of Ukrainian agricultural goods, but even their transit to points further west. Hungary and Slovakia have done the same and Bulgaria is considering a similar ban. Why not just starve Ukraine while they're at it?

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Excellent newsletter Diane. Poland’s Law and Justice Party has some autocratic tendencies but Poland is an emerging European leader. Morawiecki’s speech hit all the right notes in Heidelberg.

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Yes, right on. We keep helping Europe extricate themselves from preventable wars and they laugh in our faces afterwards (Expo 67). Nato should only support a fellow nation up to their percentage provided ie if 1% of GDP worth one billion then all of Nato countries should only provide total assistance up to that country's military committment within a pre-set total amount. These free rides, including Canada, only encourage war. Wars based on honour, greed, and poor politicians can be reduced. The USA shouldn't have to carry the world - they don't get anything out of doing it except being sneered.

But I think we have a nuclear war on our horizon.

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I fear you are right -

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As Russia keeps fighting it is using up also its stock of weapons and harder to build with the sanctions. Poland has a good opportunity to build up its army with weapons while Russia spends its weapons. Good time to buy military stocks with many countries arming themselves against Russia.

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I hope they listen better this time, they rolled over for Hitler until it was too late

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Excellent article again. I'm glad Poland is calling out to the World that we must protect ourselves from authoritarian and communist regimes. The World has become so dangerous with ruthless leaders whose motives are questionable. It is disheartening to see just how much money is spent on weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons while so many are starving and live in poverty. Developed countries continue to reach out to other countries where cheap labour is available to benefit our/their standard of living; regardless of idealogical differences; many are significant.

With the ever growing treat of nuclear war because of regional disputes, who will be first to use those weapons and will it be triggered by AI technology?

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Excellent thank you

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The United States is in an unpopular position. This is when the retribution of the “rich old white guys” that have run the country, including the dark money, presidents, congress and the senate will see the rewards of their abuse and robber baron of third world countries. The world is closing in on America as socially improving projects by the Chinese have filled their political purse with South American, African, countries. Where America went in and took resources without reward to the people, China is building hospitals, roads, housing, schools with an open hand. Poor People from those countries are being brought back to China to be educated and indoctrinated to return to their homelands with a vigor and zest for continued and stronger relationships between their countries.

Meanwhile the memories of how the United States only used them will simmer into what might possibly be another rash of. Terrorist activities.

Our worthless VP, a minority’s in herself was too dense to see this and instead only spoke of LBGTQ rights and how China is bad. These people are not stupid and no doubt were further convinced about what direction to lean to for alliances.

Now with people like Greene, Jordon, Gaetz and McCarthy in such powerful positions it seems hopeless as to if we will be able to build better bridges between our countries. Not to say our economy is faltering and the Brazilians and China have started a new world currency. Stay tune folks, Biden is in for a rough ride as presidential.

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