Excellent newsletter Diane.

My hat is off to the ICC. They stood up and declared Putin a war criminal. While Canada and the U S don’t have the courage to declare Russia as a sponsor of state terrorism the ICC did the right thing. Putin will live in infamy, in disgrace, alongside Hitler for the rest of his life.

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Evil empire reduces Putin to some perverted movie character..he is not. he is narcissistic psychopath and must be eliminated...will someone just kill him?

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A world in crisis. We need more voices like yours.

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Again, thank you Diane for your reporting. Your article leaves me speechless and horrified. It's most unfortunate that it took 12 plus months to see this action by the ICC when Putin has engaged in other atrocities such as the civil war in Syria. Many refugees took exile in Turkey and continue to live there in tent cities. Finally, we have properly labelled him a criminal and are holding him accountable; let's hope justice is served swiftly.

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You hit the nail on the head. Excellent as always

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Hello Diane. Demographic Warfare my favourite “ new but old concept. I will join you to write a book about it.

The time honoured but never talked about is centered around the process of depositing a large population of nationals into a country to cause a political , military and cultural change.

Examples abound in the former Soviet slave states like Georgia , ukraine, Estonia etc. but are developing as we speak in Canada where we invite millions of Chinese mainlanders who then are coerced to vote for the Corrupt Liberal government in Canada by the CPC united front and its 7 police departments now welcomed bu Justin . We had a chorus of complaints by Chinese Conservative candidates post election.

Russia is shrinking demographically and by capturing a new batch of Children and others he is trying to Russify them and build Russia s strength

Unfortunately for him a few million of the brightest and best fled to avoid being converted to hamburger by the determined Ukrainian army.

Demographic warfare best example it Tibet where Hanification has been used to swamp the identity of the Tibetannculture and secure Chinese political control.

Demographic ware fare is being used in Africa as we speak to bring in large numbers of Chinese colonizers.

If we study the process of these imperialists we will stop the idiotic decolonization chatter by naive North Americans and western leftists.

Dr Jack Pacey MD

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Problems also with China and covering up for NK. Seems Russia and China doing the same thing. Then again you have Iran supported by Russia and China for ethnic cleaning of the Jews. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-accuses-china-trying-hide-north-korea-atrocities-2023-03-17/

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Another excellent article Diane. I've been reading Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder and I'm finding out that Putin is using food as a weapon just like Stalin did in 1930-1933. Stalin used propaganda to convince Russians that Ukrainians needed to be wiped out thus starving them to death.

Putin is evil.

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Thanks again Diane. Looks like Putin done for by ICC. And his mafia in the Kremlin who made his vile regime possible. Why Canada did not take much stronger action is a comment on Trudeau and also his behaviour towards the Chinese inteerference in elections is now revealed as cowardly by the Liberals. Then we now have the ugly American about to be indicted for criminal behavior. What a world we live in to-day.

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You must be able to me clap - till my hands burned - THANK YOU for your direct & validated facts about this 'evil' monster. The end is near!!!

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the only question i have is this ...why wasnt the red notice issued earleir???

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