A shameful interview by a liar with another liar and a ruthless/evil person. Let's hope they both pay the price. Honesty and integrity are hard to come by.

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Great column Diane!

There was also no mention of Putin's connections with Iran and their joint deeds in the Middle East.

The interview also brought world-wide attention once again to the incompetence of Justin Trudeau and his government and its lack of vetting a former Nazi invited by Trudeau's office (not by the House Speaker who was thrown under the bus) to meet with Zelenskyy and be applauded in the Canadian House of Commons.

My overriding take-away from the interview was just how uninformed Carlson was. I hope it didn't take the Kremlin cleaning staff too long to mop up all the bullshit from the floor and walls of the interview room (but I guess they're used to that)!

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Mop it up? They shamefully polished that turd to a real sheen.

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Predictable and boring are as good as it gets in describing that 2-bit twerp and his horse and pony show. But we've had enough of these throughout history (Trump is the most recent example). What is so hard to understand is the Republican party's continuing love affair with these ignoramuses. Waning support for Ukraine is the ultimate thermometer I use to measure the health of the nation and I can tell you that we - especially Republicans - have become sick puppies.

Why is the issue of support for Ukraine so critical? Because the outcome of the war will have an enormous impact on Europe, the U.S., and the rest of the world. Secondly, our contribution to making sure that we survive this critical test and come out on top costs so little as to be immaterial. Ukraine is footing the full human tragedy of the war with its blood while the support that it needs is a pittance. The U.S. wasted $8 trillion (per Brown University study) in fighting its senseless Mid East wars for over 20 years (and is still doing so) with very little to show for it, while Ukraine has cost the U.S. taxpayer less than $100 million and is damned close to winning it. For those who have difficulty recognizing the asymmetry, think of 100 million on one side and 8 million millions on the other. Even the crustiest of skinflints would see that such a "deal" will never again come up.

Despite my lifelong affiliation with Republicans, they have not received a penny from me these last 7 years; and my vote went to a Republican only if I had complete confidence in their support for Ukraine. All else is secondary because of the criticality of this urgent, one-time opportunity for the free world. I urge all readers of Diane's blogs to do likewise.

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Eererr.....DOG and pony show. :-)

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Anyone who believes that Russia isn’t expansionist has never studied history. To think that Putin chose media hound Carlson as his apologist says everything we need to know about today’s absurdist world . What is disturbing however is that this interview has made an effort to legitimize a treacherous regime for the mere reason that the interview was undertaken at all. It creates a potential framework for cutting off aid to Ukraine. Trump supporters are not listening to the words and are not questioning the history ; they merely see that the interview is being conducted by Carlson to feel that there is a basis for the position that the liberal media isn’t telling them the truth or has somehow obscured the facts so as to whitewash an invasion which now becomes something else . It is manipulation masquerading as fact-finding by a media celebrity who knows better , but who needs to put himself about in the news so that he ‘counts’ again. The true tragedies of death and displacement can be obscured and to an extent sanitized by making people think that on some level there was justification for the invasion. One can only wonder about inviting Russia to attack nato members who have paid their bills - the ultimate absurdity isn’t, apparently , so very far behind .

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Thank you, Diane. Great article.

Tucker should just stay in Russia, forever. He's such a

good useful idiot and proved

it with this side show.

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it is pretty clear who and what frat boy Carlson really is

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Sadly - the low IQ of Smucker pervades thru out USA - how uneducated & narrow these folks have become? is the question. Clowns to left of me, idiots to the right - here we are - suck in the middle of political 'crap'. Thanks for continuing to do an excellent job of reporting Diane - I read your articles first thing every morning - never never disappointed.

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Carlson hastened the end of his career along with Putins. One could not help feeling embarrassed for them, which is not easy.

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for Carlson it is about money/infamy

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There should be a law against uninformed people doing interviews with world leaders who have done evil things, but of course, there never will be. Much damage is done by sycophantic, depth-free, softball-question-full, conversations with people who have been conning their audiences longer and more skilfully than the interviewer. Jordan Peterson's recent love-fest with Binyamin Netanyahu comes to mind.

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Peterson's transformation from an intelligent, articulate fighter against all kinds of isms into a russian toady after his treatment in Moscow for a painkiller addiction in 2019 (he was placed in an induced coma for 8 days!!!) is shocking and depressing to watch.

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So and what a huge ego. Never shuts up

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Jordan Peterson's interview with Benjamin Netanyahu was over a year ago. Despite what you may think of "Bibi", he is foremost a champion for Israel security.

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That is exactly what he wants you to think! His reliance on the most extreme Right-Wing elements will not have a positive outcome for Israel.

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There is some “relief” in that Mr. Putin ranted for 1/2 an hour about “facts” from the 13th century that no MAGA Republican gives a toss about. America, as recently as 250 years ago, was ruled by another government who stole that land from people who had been there for hundreds of years before them. They don’t want to think about the past. Asked if Mr. Putin say “the hand of God” in current events Putin said that he did not.

Mr. Putin had ample opportunity to make that bridge between MAGA Americans and himself, but try as he might, Mr. Carlson seemed unable to get him to say the “right” things.

Mr. Carlson is a useful idiot, but perhaps was less of one than the links that could have been made. I guess that’s like saying he shot Ukraine and its allies with a .22 bullet instead of a shotgun, but maybe a little less damaging.

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I agree that history, especially ancient history, means nothing to the Maga crowd and I doubt that many of them watched for more than 5-10 minutes.

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In the near future we could use an article on the other lying "journalists" who were duped by Hitler and Stalin and gave the pacifists in England and the USA cover for inaction in the face of open brutality before 1940.

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Fortunately Winston Churchill was a practicing journalist and spoke truth to power

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incredible that anyone could believe putins lies.....he has murdered many russians who opposed him.....anna politskovskaya was merely the first of many journalists who uncovered putins crimes....has carlson not heard of the magnitsky act???what of the fact that the international court of justice in the hague has declared putin a war criminal???.....and trump goes along with all this???we have a lousy PM in trudeau .....but trump would appear to be even worse .... a malignant narcissist and totally ignorant of world affairs

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What gets me is if this would be under President Reagan's watch no way anyone would be going to Russia let alone other Republicans siding with Russia. Senator McCarthy must be rolling in his grave that some Republicans are with a communist county over their own democratic country. World has gone the opposite not a good sign.

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Excellent as always thank you

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Trump is going to win..we can call Carlson what he is- syncophant and enabler..but the impact is there..catching a wave that bundles Isreal and Ukraine such thst now Ukraine is bad..Carlson and Lindbergh- about the same, 1936 to 2024..are we 3 years from world war..probably

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The only path to redemption is that the anti-Trump forces muster their “turn out the vote” press better than his. We shouldn’t hold out breath, as alas, the “other” option can not be appealing. Praying for a miracle might sound passé, but something has to change to provide a third option. Says a Canadian who fully appreciates that it’s not our fight, but what happens to our south will have major impacts here. I’m not at all reassured by Tucker, who passed through here to spread his frat boy platitudes enroute Moscow. The choices before our electorate are unappealing in a different way. But at least we’re not a gerontocracy with the options being two senile / unhinged old men. And our democratic institutions might be fragile but still are salvageable.

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I think the Tucker-Putin interview went over like a lead balloon with both Maga voters and politiians. They don't know or care about history and who owned what 800 years ago doesn't even beep on their mental radars. The interview was two hours of boring, untruthful drivel. And then Putin said that inflation in the US is low, which is good for America. LOL One might mistakenly think he was promoting Biden...

My only quibble with this article is that 10,000 civilian deaths is an insanely low figure. In just one example, Mariupol lost over 300,000 of its residents. Many fled but many others are buried in the rubble that russia created while destroying 90% of the city and is now trying to overbuild so that the true figures will never be known. That's also a war crime if I'm not mistaken, like the soviets building over Babyn Yar.

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10k is the number....300k were displaced

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