Diane - send a copy of this to NATO leaders AND Biden - they are sitting on the fence, watching RU systematically destroy UKR & lives - fearing what? Your information is 'a bulls-eye' on the truth & RU's lies have done a good job of scaring the 'B-Jes' of leaders in the free world. EXCELLENT REPORT!!!! I HOPE THE WEST WAKES UP - NOW!!!

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Donald trump is the most dangerous creature on this planet right now..

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"Russia’s conquests in Eurasia have been as rapacious and violent as were the colonizations perpetrated by the British, French, Belgian, Dutch, Portuguese, and Spanish.' Ah no comparison with British colonial history. Brits brought democracy,medical help, infrastructure, education to their colonies. Wonderful thanks for mentioning unspeakable Pope Francis


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Another excellent article, thank you. When you read about past wars, war crimes, and the insane amounts of money being invested in military equipment to protect borders and/or conquer other parts of the world, it makes you wonder where is humanity going? Civilization is being systematically destroyed by autocracies. Democracies are under attack, just look at what's happening in the US. The Internet and Social media are facilitating the process, let's just say they are also weapons of mass destruction. As outlined in your September 14th article, a New World Order is definitely in the making. It's so sad to read about Pope Francis' comment.

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Excellent thank you

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Churchill finished by saying "key, Russian national interest". Everyone for themselves governing.

Just like John Aitken below is embellishing about Trump. Someone else could say Biden. The point is we have to get more accurate reporting from our press. Opinion pieces, coloured narratives - just for personal profit is of no benefit to a country. I remember when reporters where responsible people.

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You must read “How to Tankie” by Darth Putin. It is a very funny and sarcastic take on the “Russia has never invaded anyone” argument. “It just looks like they did because Russian troops lined up on the borders in an aggressively peaceful formation and then had to defend that peace inside the other countries borders”

How to Tankie: The Anti Imperialist's Guide to the Modern World https://a.co/d/ey39Zi0

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Thank you, Diane. One of the most impressive discourses on Russia I've read.

I was pretty shocked that Pope Francis could laud Russia, but then, the Catholic Church was very involved with the Nazis and the underground that helped many escape to South America.

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Thank you, every word is true; an empire of lies enforced by ceaseless mass murder.

The great books on this: Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984.

Our worst mistake: Section 230 Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998 which insulates internet providers from responsibility or liability for other's lies. (Enacted under a Democrat president, Bill Clinton)

The intellectual underpinnings for today's mess (in the West): Neoliberalism

Possible good news about neoliberalism: it's on its way out, god willing - see The Rise and Fall of the Neo-Liberal Order by Gary Gerstle (Cambridge); the Big Myth by Naomi Oreskes (Harvard)

Needed now: a new economic/political theory that does not require our planet to be destroyed.

The takeaway: For me it is that truth is not natural or fundamental to us, certainly not automatic, but is a human cultural artifact that necessarily pairs with political freedom, which is also not a given.

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Very nice article. Years back in the 80's you saw in the movies the strong Russian Army even the movie 'Red Dawn' a strong Russian Army invading the US. In reality you see what Ukraine a small country is doing to the Russian army. Russian lie their army is great. Russia does not care about soldiers dying. How many millions did Stalin kill. Lot more millions killed by Russian leaders. Now Russia needed Wagner group to help. That's gone. Russia goes to NK for military aid. Shows how weak Russia really is. Only card Russia has that is scary is the nuclear card.

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