again and again our legal system shows that Trump is above the law simply because he is a failed ex-president who is running again to stay out of prison. No other American could do and say the things Trump has and still be free to continue doing so. NO Other American at all.

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Respectfully, the right wing media, especially radio personalities, blather insidious and sometimes violent rhetoric all the time. Some have become billionaires. Trump needs to be curtailed but the poisonous "free speech" began before him and so far, continues. Trump has used Mafiosio techniques all his life, as taught to him by his father, his attorneys and a culture that still values meaness and "putting one over" the law. I am delighted that two of the prosecution's stars are black women. That is poetic justice!

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If he is NOT jailed - the rot in USA is too deep. Can't believe their justice system has allowed him to get as 'far' as he has. His mouth should be 'duc-taped' shut & then toss him in jail. He's done more damage to the 'image' & security of USA than any 'person' on the planet.

EXCELLENT article Diane - WELL DONE!!!

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Your words to god’s ears. Wannabe dictators attack the rule of law, undermine the media, designate enemies and subvert democracy by fixing elections or abolishing them. The founding fathers did not approve of democracy but were fully committed to the rule of law. There have been many mini-wannabe dictators, like Father Charles Coughlin, Huey Long, Joe McCarthy and so on, who were all small potatoes compared with Donald J Trump, who will visit our nightmares for a long time to come. But the rule of law is immensely strong in the U.S. and I’m betting Trump will be convicted in both federal and state courts. And yet the House Republicans just elected as Speaker an extreme MAGA supported in Mike Johnson, so there’s still plenty of Trumpism even at the heart of our politics. We’re in for a rough ride at least until the 2024 election.

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I agree, however, if Trump loses the 2024 election (if he's allowed to run) he will continue to challenge the Democrats for years thereafter. All this insanity started when Obama won his Presidency and challenged his birthplace.

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Yes, and yet the criminal charges in DC and Atlanta are very well evidenced, and even with that pro-Trump judge Aileen Cannon in Florida the evidence against him is solid. He's already lost the civil case in New York; what's being tried right now is the extent of the penalty. What damage that man has created.

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I hope the orange putrescence goes to jail for the rest of his life with NO NO NO communication with the outside. Stash him in Gitmo.

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Sadly won’t work..he has a base that doesn’t care

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Perhaps we need to look at the upbringing of Trump as Bill Barr just did on TV. Deeply damaged person All the narcissism, cheating, lies ammorality. Barr thought his upbringing might have had a lot to do with it? His Dad was no angel. But maybe above all the American people, very many still to-day after all the revelations, swallow his appalling behaviour. He still has a big base. And Diane we need to look at the role of the media in this, particularly his TV role as brilliant businessman...to say nothing of Fox news. As a Canadian, like you, Canada with all its faults, would have had him in proson a long time ago.

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His parents couldn't control him and put him into a military schools for several years at a young age. The media needs to be reined in too and Fox just was $747 million, but it continues to broadcast slanderous, fraudulent statements and will do until a victim sues it. In the case of Dominion Voting -- they had deep pockets and were ruined by Fox TV and could prove damages.

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So What is 'Dominion Voting"

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The co that sued fox

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Ah Many thanks

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You can ascribe so many labels to Donald J. Trump, but in short, he's an evil and greedy man. The US justice system must put him away for life and restrict his access to social media to ensure he remains within the rights permitted under the 1st Amendment. God help the US of A and the World if he wins the 2024 election. Trump and his supporters have destroyed the GOP. Trump doesn't like losers; so that why he's fighting to protect himself / reputation as a successful businessman.

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I'm no expert on sociopaths but if I were...I would definitely label Trump as one. Don't know how anyone would ever want to work for him considering the minute you fall out of favor with him you get a target on your back. He never pays his bills but doesn't get sued because he knows he could outlast anyone in court. The fact that he is leading in the polls is very scary...He is dangerous on the world stage. He's already sucked up to Putin (who is a terrorist and a war criminal. He is a ticking time bomb who will stop at nothing to become supreme leader of the United States.

If Americans vote him in as Potus with all the charges against him, I say they deserve him.

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As a Canadian I am interested in US politics. From my perspective, Donald Trump did some good things during his term in office: His tough on China policy, re negotiation of NAFTA, Abraham Accord, and the rapid Vaccine development for Covid are some examples of wins. Donald Trump lost the last election because of his narcissism and inability to demonstrate any restraint. It was his election to win. His ego got in the way.

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I dont think history will judge President Trump kindly. "It was a terrible moment in our history. And it's gonna be a part of our history," Bush said. 100 years from now people will see what mess Trump made. History's Karma.

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Nov 2, 2023
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so what?

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Seriously? -

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