"Freedom is the right to swing your arm, but not hit anyone with it, and words can destroy and incite and therefore must be regulated, as Europe has done." I pray the U.S. Supreme Court has an ethical core somewhere underneath its christian veneer. Thank You for this. Shared.

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Yes the EU has acted to control the nastiness of social media. Letting the sociopath Trump back on twitter indicates Musk wants lies and hatred spread on twitter. Nonsense about free speech and his silly Latin quote. Musk is also a sociopath. Sad America will not control social media. Has Biden not responded to this? Or any politician?

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Wrong....it is very clear just from the vaccine debacle that Facebook, Twitter, et al were heavily censoring very true news that could have prevented the deaths of tens of thousands. Youre Three Musketeers are at the forefront of trying to get the truth out. Rinse and Repeat for Election Fraud and Global Peace

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Always the issue is who is regulating. I don’t trust these groups to do so anymore then I trust any Government branch. Terrible situation.

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