Long term it might be the best thing that can happen to this country. Maybe it will get Canadians out of our pyjamas and back into our work clothes. We need intelligent people to lead us into a new world. We need to do smarter things rather than just merely hitting back with more damaging tariffs.

We can complain all we want about Trump but it appears he was democratically elected by a majority of his fellow citizens and he is doing, rightfully or wrongfully what is best for his citizens. Biden didn’t exactly roll back any of Trump’s first term tariffs when he was elected so these new ones may exist for a long time.

Excellent column once again Diane!

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This is unimaginable but yet this is happening. As a retired CPA, I can only say that tariffs have never been used successfully. Most american people dont even understand how tariffs operate and will soon find out their effect. Our Canadian plan to strike back makes some sense but I think that in the coming months all provinces will pull the blanket in their own direction and this will cause even more confusion and stress on people. Our confederation will be shaken. The Fentanyl epidemic invoked by the White house makes no sense and Diane has described very clearly. In my view, the intention behind this crazy trade war is to bring us down to our knees and take over Canada. We no longer have a friend or commercial partner and we need to quickly find a way to move on, I know its easier said than done but I wonder if our relationship with the USA can ever be repaired as people will always remember this vicious attack. And get prepared because Trump is also prepared to hit Europe next..he says that Europe has been very bad to America. watch out its coming... Thank you Diane...

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I like your comment, agree with it overall, but I don't think Canada will be shaken. Well educated, resource rich, good infrastructure and banking - we should be able to MacIvor our way to a better solution.

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Totally agree but I think it will be pain now but we will look afield for trading partners and suspect that we and most of the rest of the world have come or will shortly come to the realisation that the US cannot be trusted and trust once lost is seldom regained.

I encourage all to have a read of my Substack. It is free and has a list of Canadian and Non Canadian Companies and products and is very much more than just a grocery list. I also update it most days.

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"Canada, for instance, will have to guarantee access to oil and other essential resources that America needs. It will have to agree to defend its entire perimeter, meet its NATO commitments, and protect its Arctic, none of which it can afford." But Canada can afford it. It needs only to get rid of its anti business sentiments. Canada has huge untapped natural resources but these riches are being denied the people. They are being denied due to the fraud that is "Global Warming" and the folly of chasing windmills. Trump knows what he is doing and he knows he is assisting Canada in the transition to a new age that will be lead by the opposition. Similarly for Mexico, it too will benefit. The problem there is the unfettered narco govt that has the legitimate govt under its thumb. US Special Forces will fix that century old problem in a few days.

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I couldn't agree more! Trudeau has personally bad-mouthed Trump more times than I can remember since 2017 (not unlike trying to remember how many times he wore blackface), and we know what Trump does to people who personally attack him.

Trump correctly sees a lame duck government of idiots in Canada and is making his move to create the "Fortress North America" which is so badly needed to counter the looming actions of China and Russia.

Canada must get rid of the Trudeau government (elected in 2021 with 22% voter support and propped ever since up by the corrupt socialist New Democrat Party leader) and get serious before we do become the 51st state. Only people like Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and Conservative party leader Pierre Poilievre can make that happen.

The wealthiest country in the world must return to the status it worked so hard to earn from 1939 to 1945. Our parents and grandparents are rolling in their graves.

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Abrogating a binding agreement means you cannot trust another agreement, thereby losing permanent confidence in your neighbor.

Countervailing duties will be good for Canada as it forces us to do things better and more diversly.

New duties paid for US imports can be Duty Drawbacked. We can shift to selling at Canadian prices to ensure established profit margins (most sales to US are at USD) as the Cdn drops probably to 55 cents. Thus the US buyer can win too.

The US produces about 12m bd, needs 20m, and Canada sends 4m to them. They will never be oil independent, especially in Trump’s reign.

Canada should stop all oil shipments thru the Trans Mountain pipeline (about 600k day) and threaten no new pipelines to the US. Also limit all future sales at 4m day. This will encourage new Cdn pipelines and new markets.

Canada should also build an underwater hydro line to England to export Quebec and Nfld megawatts to.

Unscrambling an egg – great phrase Diane. Auto plants have given their annual purchase orders that can be rescinded , but not without tendering new suppliers all of whom will be higher priced. How do we know that – because they were already tendered and the lowest won.

Trump is using data to misinform – if you include everything including dividends – they receive more than they pay.

As regards military, yes we should pay more, but the US has never defended us – but we have them often. And they don’t pay a cent to Canada for NORAD infrastructure in Canada.

Canada is the best educated country in the world. Surely we can do better than relying on an untrustworthy neighbor.

The real key to fentanyl is for the US consumer to stop using them.

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Canada represents 50% roughly of what America claims to produce. That must not be ignored... nearly 5m/b/d and Danielle Smith wants to double that because it's possible, given the phenomenal capacity of the oil sands

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Really. We're going to solve the fentanyl problem with tariffs. I'm reminded of the mission of the sloop USS Constellation, commissioned in the 1850's to 'address' the traffic in slaves coming across from West Africa. "Why, we're all horrified at this human trafficing (include the insincere southern accent of one of the bill's sponsors here); Land's sake, we'll send a sailing ship to patrol the waters of the entire African coast"; and essentially doing nothing. I think the ship intercepted one slaver, and the Yankee crew and folks back home were, indeed, horrified. You can see her, restored, in Baltimore harbor. The 19th C intention was entirely one of appearances. America had no intention of ending slavery. Not Yet. There was too much money to be made on cheap agricultural products, and cheap cotton. By Yankee mill owners, too.

The lead actors in this dys-administration have a long history of transnational financial jiggery-pokery. This messing with trade will create new opportunities for more of it and for creating dis-ease and displacement. Much like the crewing and setting sail of the Constellation to patrol the entire Atlantic, this is a distraction. If anyone were actually interested in breaking cycles of addiction, the Sackler family (makers and marketers of Oxycontin) would largely be in prison, along with their financiers. And, if we were really interested in cutting the flow of illicit narcotics, and the related laundering of dirty money of all sorts (There's a huge traffic in moving money with the common practice of trade-based money laundering. I've copy of a paper and a public presentation from 2013. There's a subject for a researcher of your horsepower, Diane); and,

Like the crew of the Constellation, the folks 'charged' with intercepting this all knew / know that if we were serious about money laundering and dangerous drugs, there'd be a battalion of sharp-eyed accountants and criminal investigators ploughing through the reams of fraudulent documents that pour through the internet, and ports, and shipping terminals and crypto trades. And another battalion of folks like Elliot Ness's Untouchable squad in Chicago a hundred years ago. There's not. Those budgets are routinely cut in the 'interest of efficiency' (and tax cuts!) And there'd be a rational, managed and orchestrated system of immigration so that poor, desperate people wouldn't be blackmailed into carrying money and drugs across the border, knowing that if they said anything, deportation would be the least of their worries. And then we'd pay full value for workers to re-roof our houses, and wipe our elderly clean in nursing homes and see to their care without watching over their shoulders.

And then, there's the epidemic of un-sobriety of every form of compulsion in the States, and apparently the West. Why are so many people reliant on narcotics to face the day? I mean, yes, the Sacklers and Oxy, their wonder drug, and they got away with addicting tens of thousands, but, still, there's something badly awry that there's so much addiction and unhealthy compulsive behavior. Maybe it's because The System (aka The Machine) relies upon an ever increasing level of consumption. The West is apparently in need of an intervention, and being kicked out of the house until they get treatment, and get sober. I'm not holding my breath.

In the meantime, we're all co-dependent with a series of monstrously deformed personalities, and letting them get away with made-up excuses for why we're unable to find quiet contentment. With why it's unsettling to the System that some of us might discover that we have what those deformed personalities will never have. Some of us have Enough. So,

"Hello, my name's Tim, and I've been ten years sober from accepting madness as responsible politics. Would hope to see you, Don and JD ,at another meeting." As if either of those characters will ever come to a dark night of the soul....

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No comment- so fluid & troubling - to charge tRUMP of breaking his oath to 'protect' the Constitution of America seems to be Job One. YET - getting these kinds of charges into the courts takes time - & time seems to be running out. The Republicans, is appears, have given tRUMP the country of USA, and the Dems are in 'shock' - unable to get their ducks & backbones in place. A felon is winning the war with 'shock & awe', regardless of the Constitution and the law. Nice.

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Excellent Diane. America claims to be the leader of democracy in the world. Yet it has given dictatorial power to a felon to impose tariffs on its friendly neighbour Canada. A vicious bully surrounded by unelected lickspittles is what Americans voted for. Question I have is Poilievre or Carney best to take on the bully? Might also mention that Quebec supplies the east coast of America with electricity so will it cut off electricity to hit Trump's follower? Doubt it.

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Canada deserves better but it's political culture, led by Quebec separatists and environmental radicals, must go forever.

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Inexperienced twinkies. Love it. You made me smile.

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Excellent, thank you

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I'd be interested to know your opinions about the declaration that Trudeau will roll out COVID type financial supports across the country? Given our already precarious financial situation, how can the government possibly do that? I always wondered why not just expect that more people will apply to welfare...provincial systems that are well-situation to providing all needs to populations? Makes sense to me.

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Trudeau is a socialist and clueless about free enterprise or fiscal responsibility

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This is the reason that I worry the most about the Liberals still being in power (thanks in large part to the NDP) and having no sitting federal legislature. They will do what they’ve always been best at and start throwing money around again but insure that disproportionate amounts go to their voting target areas. For Trudeau, team Canada has never been about Canada and that is unlikely to change now. His hatred toward the west, primarily Alberta is visceral.

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Diane The US produces 12 and that is the most in the world. I don't think we should continue to rely on their purchases because we take a huge discount on our heavy oil - but with their heavy refineries they make as much as on 32api.

I think we should top their purchases off right where they are; build a pipeline to Hudson's Bay (to Quebec City, St. Johns as well) and ship all future product to Europe.

If the Trans Mtn pipeline is further doubled, or a new line to Kitimat as well, great.

Our selling price will then go up with a competitive purchaser.

I like Daniela, but I don't want her to gamble Canada's future on a one shot poney.

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Good info as always. The next few days will tell us who is bluffing - the green twinkies in Ottawa or the red steaks in Washington. Let's hope that the effort to reverse the 10 yr decline of Canadian productivity will emerge after the next election this spring. In the meantime we have to endure the pointless contest between fake green Carney and formerly green Freeland. What fun.

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Can any sane person in this world have any doubt that the US has an insane person as its President? After threatening to invade Greenland, Panama, now to take Gaza Strip and tell the Palestinian they should leave Gaza.

And the US is threatening to intervene in South Africa internal affairs regarding South Africa legislation of land reform. Where 8% of population own 75% of all land.

Donald Trump and his sycophants still think the US is still powerful enough military and economically to do all that.

France has already said they will send troops to Greenland to help Denmark. The US has nuclear weapons but so do other nations.

By its recent actions there is no doubt that the US has become an isolated nation, with almost no ally except the ICC condemned Israel. The US is at the weakest point of its history.

The withdrawals of tariffs against Mexico. And Canada are not coincidental, there are still some adults in this administration who know that’s suicidal for the US to have a trade wars with the world.

Simply said, the US holds no forbidding advantage against the world military and economically. The world can do and make anything the US can and better and cheaper. That’s included AI tech, weaponry, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, heavy machinery, computers … everything.

The US had lost the Viet Nam war, the Iraq war and the Afghan war. It is no longer a super power.

You can bluff but prepare when get called.

When you have become an onerous nationa non grata, the world will move around you.

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What a difference a day makes! It appears Trump has delayed the imposition of tariffs on Canada & Mexico for another month. Trump has said that this is because of his tough stand on tariffs, other reports say this is BS and that the proposed actions were already in place to happen.

Who is telling the truth? Given Trumps preponderance to lie, I know who I believe.

I know it’s no consolation, but it is Americans who consume fentanyl. China, Mexico and Canada are only supplying a product for which there is some demand. The perfect example of the capitalist system.

The IMF definition of capitalism is as follows:

“Capitalism is often thought of as an economic system in which private actors own and control property in accord with their interests, and demand and supply freely set prices in markets in a way that can serve the best interests of society. The essential feature of capitalism is the motive to make a profit.”

The only addition I would make is that you could include state actors (China) alongside private actors in this case and it is clearly not in the best interests of society, at least not the American society.

This definition could apply to opioids (e.g. Oxycontin) as well.

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A rollicking read, thanks for this. Rapacious governments everywhere. I guess Trump has abandoned FDRs 4 Freedoms for good then?

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