Well. I'm eating 'crow' & it tastes ... pretty good. I agree that the 'bully' in tRUMP is the tRUMP card in his pocket backed by being the 'new' head of powerful USA has emboldened him. Had Biden & the Democrats not been so weak on this 'file - things could have been different. However, as it stands - Diane - this is like a Christmas present for me - a relief I have not felt for so long & a glimmer of hope, although long time coming. is very welcome. Great reporting.

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Brilliant analysis of all the critical issues. At the risk of seeming critical, the knockout punch will be Drill Baby Drill. Trump will also be happy to cough up the Big NATO concession to Putin because Ukraine will simply do mini NATO agreements with several countries at a time (for the time being)

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More good news to come in 2025?!

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Excellent as always

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While not exactly good news this is welcome news because it is at least the unvarnished truth. I am heartened to know Europe is awake and still kicking.

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This is an amazing and interesting analysis.

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Well written and always appreciated !! But I crave temperance in any behaviour from Mr trump...he tells us and has shown us, he is all lies of the moment. And absolutely, emphatically drunk on Power now without consequences inside of the USA. Hold on... because ie two days, will feel like two months, with the constant affronts and strong arming - starting with friends and Allies - imagine that. Armed with fresh insights and advise in Mar Largo from friends he admires like Viktor Orhan ( Putins friend .....hmmm). Which side of his mouth is he now talking out of ?? My take on Mr trump is that he is in fact not at all intelligent, nor gifted in deal making. He knows well stealing, lying, cheating, conniving, is manipulative and ostentatious narcissism. In the successful and Peaceful years after a WW....Countries would have still met their Victories however using the " back door" reality and STRENGTH and diplomacy to the SAME ends. Humiliation is not intelligent. It is the lack of real Power. Omit Diplomacy for a Strong man....likely to bring more strife than PEACE. I feel the need to be CAREFUL in what we might perceive as weak..the strong man is Never really strong...he too will be taken down, eventually. I too so WISH it is Peace for Ukraine, above all, at the moment, yes. Europe too, for now...but are we forgetting China, really ? IF the USA is going to support and Adopt the same NON VALUES authorized by other Autocrats as Legitimate and the way forward, then we will may not have a Putin .....but we might have a worse problem with more Power - trump and then Vance. Unsettling no matter how you look at it.........This is not the direction of Peace. And 4 years, it will not survive. What is the long game? The US does have the most Power, Power that we willing we gave to them since WWll.... for their perceived Peaceful Values. And with great Power comes Great RESPONSIBILITY. I wish I felt better about all of it.....

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He's tempered somewhat, and guardrails still exist.

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I agree with your article. Some outliers are Sudan; Yemen, and the ineffectiveness of Saudis to deal with them; will Syria go democratic; Iran will probably become a destroyed bully; and will there be real peace in the world.

That Ukraine war has not been fought well - the Ukraines were forced to fight with one hand behind their back. Biden didn't trust them with combined arms abilities (F35, layered assaults, etc).

But the freeloading Europeans, with some exceptions, for their own sake, should belly up to the bar with a lot more cash.

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Brilliant! This analysis touches on all the most salient aspects.

A friend who lived in Ukraine and Russia and now resides in DC had the following comment about Trump's approach. As a New York real estate developer, he learned to deal with sharks, repugnant characters, bullies, and thugs. His message to Putin could sound like the lines from 'Godfather' when Vito Corleone says, “Let’s be friends . . . I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

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The “concept of a plan”? Will Mr. Trump see more value in using seized Russian assets and money to rebuild Ukraine with America First contracts and essentially create a new Afghanistan without the Taliban coming to kill him, or is he so beholden to Russia that he can’t see past that? I think he might see the former as a better option as he can get the shirtless Putin-monkey off his back and make some serious money in Ukraine. Do you think that’s an option?

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There is another outcome and most likely, Russia will just stop attacking and holding the frontlines and wait. No deal.

Putin’s knows the US economy is weak and could easily tips into a deep recession in the first two years of the Trump’s second term.

When China, the BRICS, Japan and others stop buying and dumping US treasury, the yield and the interest rate must be raised for people to buy treasuries. The US inflation will go to the roof.

Deportations and corporate tax cuts will push the deficit spending out of sight and to reduce the GDP at the same time.

Trump’s policy is suicidal, and it will fail.

China will help Russia in silence, the world will side with the BRICS and coalesce into a new trading regime that is fairer to all participants. Definitely, the EU will be in the BRICS.

The dollars in the next four years will lose its value inside and outside the US.

Everything that is made in the US can be made outside the US and some more, including new techs such as AI and robots, high end computer chips.

The winners: China and the world at large, Europe and the new trading block.

The biggest losers: the US and the dollars.

Ukraine would suffer maybe less for the next four years until the world is more stable with a new US administration.

Russia could become more democratic because they know they would stay behind if not.

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Very good article Diane. Trump's tariffs, lower corpoation tax and mass deportations will weaken the economy and bring economic recession. I agree with Anh Nguyen. In Ukraine I wonder if the huge death toll and expense of waging a war will see the removal of Putin's fascist regime at last? What a country to continue his leadership but then we will soon have a crazy regime in Washington with Musk and Kennedy causing havoc under a highly unblanced leader. Hope the EU and NATO get their acts together at last.

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Oh as time goes on it is clear the stupid Americans have voted a lunatic into power. Please Diane state this and all media stupidly takes this madman Trump seriously as did Germany take fascist lunatic Hitler. Sad country America has become under vile ugly American Bad days ahead as beast slinks to Jerusalem as Irish poet WB YEATS wrote so wisely. I dread the future as Americans go into sharp sad decline

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The individuals being lined up for cabinet appointments here all, every man-jack one of them sound very much like the 'leadership' circle described by William Shirer in his little 1960 history book. What we're getting is blind obeisance, belief in a utopian financial system on the verge (again) of collapse and utter servility. Trump himself is subject to flattery and whims and everything vain. He is completely transactional, and, yes, the Founders did anticipate that human quality and endeavor to build a system that leveraged that to better outcomes. They did not anticipate the US SC "Citizens United" decision that opened the floodgates to Money having the last say. We just got an example of just how dysfunctional the New Order will be this week. It's a project that's been well-orchestrated and in the making for fifty years. And the coming dys-administration will succumb to all the deals in the dark that they've done collectively and individually for decades, and the only reason that Putin will fail in Ukraine, to some degree, is the promise of enough Ukrainians to bring "death from every window" for their occupiers. I've gotten accustomed to the New York Times and Washington Post turning to hope-washing their reporting on DC politics with a sigh and a shrug, but not happily. Which is why I've turned to reading you. Remaining ever more collapse aware and checking my stock of canned goods and firewood this week.

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There is an abundance of skepticism in these comments,which I share, regarding Trump’s moves in Ukraine. However, Diane's latest articles about Ukraine gives me hope that Putin and his immoral Kleptocrats will be abated.

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Last two articles were great. Thanks Diane. I wrote my family several weeks ago that the new President has the chance to become really great or just go monkey. Time will tell.

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