right on diane ...i forsee a problem tho if trump makes a comeback in the usa ....will he support continued support to ukraine???

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Good article. Does Henry Kissinger have any genuine influence in Washington, or merely his opinion? I am a Canadian, born in 1951, so I am old enough to have fairly clear memories of his time in Washington.

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No influence but media shlep

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Thank you. Ukraine's friends must continue to support Ukraine until the end. Putin doesn't deserve any victory.

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A very fine article, Diane. However, in addition to adequate number of howitzers and delays in delivery of long range rocket systems, there is another factor that weighs down Ukraine's ability to win a quick victory.....and that is aircraft. Although anti-air systems help in defending against destruction from the skies, Ukraine is still far short of what it needs to defend its civilian centers. The only recourse is to provide Ukraine with new fighter jets that will keep Russian aircraft at a distance.

When the story of Ukraine's Air Force during this war is written, it may very well equal the same distinction that Winston Churchill ascribed to the British Air Force: "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

On a happy note, Diane, it is good to know that Russia has begun exhausting its military capabilities. Most of Its professional soldiers and half of it modernized equipment has been destroyed and Russia is now filling the gaps with its remaining (but receding) superiority in heavy artillery and rocket fire followed by poorly trained, equipped, and motivated conscripts that are simply thrown into battle to occupy the ground that had been blasted free of Ukrainian defenders. All that may come to an end by July.

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Yes, you are so right - Russia must lose. But the cost to the people of Ukraine is already horrific and it will multiply.

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Excellent analysis Diane. Russia must lose in Ukraine is so true. As your colleague in the Atlantic Council, Dennis Soltys, says “Post-Soviet Russia never underwent a period of de-imperialization that might have enabled the country to move beyond the imperial mindset that Soviet Russia had itself inherited from the Czarist era.” He goes on to contrast that with the post-WWII experience of both Germany and Japan.

If a settlement is reached with Putin annexing Ukrainian lands and not one shell has landed on Russian soil Putin will be back with great eagerness for more. Russia must be defeated in Ukraine to bring about the collapse of the final European empire that has existed since the 18th century and earlier.

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Henry Kissinger was alive when Neville Chamberlain tried the appeasement tack with Hitler. It's apparently that he learned absolutely nothing from that historical lesson.

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Well done and this is not the first invasion/genocide by Russia against Ukraine. The first one started in 1921 and especially targeted Ukrainian-German colonies that had thrived there for decades. The peak of the murdering was the winter of 1932-33 and Hitler used the genocide of these Ukrainian Germans to finally attain the 33% threshold to the Chancellery. https://www.garethjones.org/overview/article03-2.htm

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