"The United States, like Russia, believed it could violently “nation-build” a medieval country into its own image."

Nope. This was just Darth Cheney and GOP cabal finding yet another war to burn up military equipment (and human beings) which would need to be replaced, generating years of kickbacks to the GOP, world without end.

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Thanks Diane. Hubris is right. Also lies about the nation building was a great success. It was a very expensive failure and understandable in the end the Afghan people did not want a civil war. As for China, look at their crushing of democracy in Hong Kong. In Kenya where I visited 2 years ago, yes they built a new railway line from Mombassa to Nairobi but saddled the Kenyan people with the cost. Hardly philanthropic.

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Strange that China has no interest in their Belt and Road Initiative for Afghanistan, maybe they will now, although they don't seem to like Muslim states.

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