seems another sure bet that the House GOP does or should know this but will risk the worlds economy by not raising the debt ceiling. They would do this not because of any stated reason but simply to feel powerful.

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sad but true

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VERY informative - tks Diane - knowing the safety of the American standard dollar IS important

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the MAGA is rooted in fear but also in experience because most are the "left behinds" of the global economy and technology transformation

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Thank you for explaining the importance of the US dollar to the world's financial system. I now have a better appreciation of why it is so valued when I travel to other parts of the world.

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Thanks much, I agree with you that the U.S. might do itself damage but no one else can, and China’s move to challenge the almighty dollar is as dumb as its failing belt and road initiative. Larry Summers’ crack about Japan - a nursing home - is pretty dubious especially considering Summers appeared as a disintegrating old man the other day in his interview with Jon Stewart, because Stewart is sincere which is not something Summers has much experience with, though he was right in describing China as a jail. Japan has made the smart move and can survive its ‘nursing home’ phase. Populations are falling in most counties, which alarms economists because the dismal profession regards humans only as ‘input’ in the equation that has un-delineated growth as its only measure. But what a nosebleed to witness the decline of once-dominant £ sterling. You say the U.S. is only 25% of the world economy. Only? I would say Wow!

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Excellent explanation. Thank you.

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This ploy may backfire to the extent republicans react and inch towards anti Russian stance

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I've given up trying to figure out US politics, notably the MAGA cult

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Definitely…kinda doppelgänger of extreme woke- affronted by value infractions vs by tribal/identity… the old left/right stuff is all mixed up

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Diane, perhaps the MAGA cult are, simply, people who fear the enormous change facing our society.

Change is challenging. Large, societal change is all the much more challenging. We are becoming a younger, more colorful culture, with the norms of the Great Generation giving way to ... ?

I anticipate the future with enthusiasm, one breath at a time.

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The US bonded too much money and devalued their currency making the USD depreciate by about 31%. Imagine foreign depositers? Fed's interest rate increases hurt banks holding their bonds. Undue covid delays emptied buildings - now worth only half. Regional depositers run for better cover.

And Dems want to spend much more!! Start living on what you make.

Yes Russia has shown it's weakness, but so has Nato by not winning. Nuclear could be a reality.

And you wonder why some countries are wanting change !!!!

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