From your lips to God's ear. Bravo for a wonderfully upbeat summary of Ukraine's current and prospective victories. But it is equally vital for Ukraine to continue its momentum of success into the post-war period. History is witness to the frequency by which bravery and victory in war results in peace-time defeat because soldiers and civilians believe that their work is completed. But the difficult (though bloodless) part of the nation's destiny will have only begun.

This war would never have happened if Ukrainians - in the course of the last 3 decades -had united and focused their attention on a political and business elite that was "privatizing" the nation's resources and allowing rampant corruption and treasonous behavior to handicap its development and shape its destiny. With its many blessings of incredibly rich resources and highly educated and talented population, Ukraine should have become an economic giant and a military power that even Russia would have feared to challenge. Instead it remained the "poor man" of Europe and a hapless "chump" surviving on generous dollops of loans and charities and the meager earnings of broken families working abroad.

Ukraine has now been given a "second chance" for a new beginning. And the best way to start is by looking closely at its business elite - especially oligarchs - as well as current and former public officials at all levels (especially in the judiciary) to determine where and how they have earned their assets . If it becomes obvious that there is no possible explanation for their wealth other than through dishonest and illegal schemes, than - at the minimum - the stolen assets should be returned to the Treasury, and those individuals forever banned from positions of influence in Ukraine. There are a great many young people who have demonstrated their maturity, integrity, and readiness to replace those ancient , Soviet dinosaurs.

Ukrainians may have saved their nation, now they have to ensure its healthy growth.

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Ukraine's oligarchy must be dismantled and its assets nationalized without compensation. they perpetuated local corruption and collaborated with Russians for 30 years. Totally agree. Signing the EU deal will require the creation of institutions that work properly and the rule of law -- this is what transformed Poland and the other satellites after they became free. It will happen. there must be strings attached to all aid and oversight to prevent carpetbagging and corruption and another state capture.

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Yes - and I believe Pres Z has already started to purge those he can't trust OR are suspect - it has begun. . . .

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Good points about the corruption, based on which one might almost say - albeit shrinking from the callousness implicit in saying so - that this is a war the Ukrainians had to have.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Diane Francis

“Once Ukraine has a bigger airforce”..absolute key..and that depends on US political situation which is uncertain..while training has commenced and other NATO countries are inclined to supply ..everything stands on US..and for Ukraine- will the world sell them out in rush to impose a “peace” that will be but a pause for Russia to rearm and renew the genocide? For this war to end, Russians need turn on Putin..I doubt it can or will happen..kill him.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Diane Francis

humiliation is worse than death

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May 25, 2023Liked by Diane Francis

For Putin it’s one and same..I am past being polite..I have friends killed in the war..just kill them all..don’t buy anything from russia..do not excuse Russians..this is war and our chatter is entirely removed from the reality of it..plain and simple- get him..and anyone in the way

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May 25, 2023Liked by Diane Francis

I won't even watch a movie with Russians except to laugh at how the are conveyed as fearsome and powerful. LOL

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Overwhelming force must be provided. This terror campaign can only stop with Goliath gone.

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I'm on the same page - sadly.

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I am not proud of it..but it’s war..so, sadly applies

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It was an illegal invasion. Putin has never called it a war...to him it's a "Special Operation"

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John The use of their airforce might become possible because combined arms will be more able to move under their IRIS/Etc unbrellas and the advanced sensors within the F16. Remember enemy Sams have awkward distances - Uki don't.

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Agreed..my concern is more towards Republicans leaning pro russia/anti support for Ukraine..and the dollar amount in budget line items being rather misleading vs actual delivered support

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May 25, 2023Liked by Diane Francis

Excellent as always

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absolutely wonderful summary ...bravo

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Ukraine could become the prominent military country in Europe. Their forces are well lead, appear brave, assess their risks well, and are clever. If they still have thieves perhaps they can be removed.

Threatening those nuclear stockpiles this week was brilliant. I bet up to a division are being re-deployed because of it.

But this also shows how weak our Western hand is - afraid to allow them to exercise advancements into foreign territory - I say grab all they can and then trade it.

This week shows their leadership that they probably will see the disintegration of their large country.

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Your article brought tears to my eyes and hope to my spirit. Thank you for your excellent reporting and analysis.

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Russia is a terrorist state which is being funded by oil and gas sales. Ukraine will win but the cost of lives, the tortures, the abduction of children is devastating. They are all war crimes that Putin must be held accountable for....

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I believe you are right, Charles. Ukraine experienced its near miraculous independence from Russia without a drop of blood. But there remained an underlying presumption - from the Russian perspectives- that the separation would be short lived. And both the Ukrainian's genuinely friendly attitude to Russia and Russians, and their widespread use of the Russian language further reinforced that sentiment.

But Ukraine's return to Russia - by one means or another - was considered likely if for no other reason than the Russian belief in Ukrainian ineptitude in governing themselves. So....this was the war that had to happen because there had been very few instances in history that a colonial empire would quietly allow its "crown jewel" to slip by without, at least, a by-your-leave.

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We're all rather elated by this excellent upbeat summary, seeing Zelensky triumph at G7, Patriot missiles destroy Russia's hypersonic missile (plus prove what great taxpayers we are to permit a Pentagon bill close to $1 trillion year-on-year), the UKR armed forces preparing to counter-attack, and now Russian partisans waging war against the Kremlin inside Russia, so I think Sun Tau would likely say this is a moment of danger, viz. "Know yourself and the enemy and a general will know what battles to pursue. Overconfidence in yourself is a swift way to defeat." I credit the UK for providing Storm Shadow cruise missiles to UKR with range of 250 miles, so from a safe distance in LA of 6,277 miles from Kyiv I suggest using some of them to destroy the Kirsch bridge; I think that would be the single event most likely to change the strategic calculus and topple Putin. The Russian military and population in Crimea would then have no way out except via Melitopol in Ukrainian territory, plus demonstrate beyond equivocation to the Russians in Moscow and St. Pete exactly how bad things are for them.

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Great summation of a complex situation. It will be interesting to see what kind of momentum the Russian insurgents gain, particularly when morale is so low among Russian ranks. I wonder if a significant number of Putin's regular military will decide to join the cause?

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This info has proven that 'no news is good news' when it came to UKR's build up of forces etc. I am elated - never felt so euphoric since the war began. I am, however, feeling 'down' that so many UKR soldiers died because of the delay of 'adequate' artillery etc. until now. Pres Zelenskyy was and continues to be the 'Man of the Year.' Tears of joy from me, this morning. ONCE again, Diane, I salute you with such complete info - You're the 'JOURNALIST' of the year!!!!

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